Justice for Mesa: Exposing Officer Freeman's Unethical Behavior

Mesa Police Officer Faces Backlash for Feeding Baby Beer in Shocking Photos

Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman Smiles for the Camera while Feeding a Baby Beer

Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman feeding the baby beer and giving he a bottle of beer to consume on her own with a smile on his face.. Shawn Tyler Freeman feeding baby beer

Mesa, Arizona - Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman is shown in photos feeding a baby beer from a bottle labeled clearly as containing beer, and he did so multiple times while smiling for the camera.

You can find additional images of Shawn Freeman feeding a baby beer here and here. 

In the images, Officer Freeman is observed feeding the baby beer with a smile on his face and giving the young child a glass bottle of alcoholic beer to consume freely on her own..

Mesa Police Chief Ken Cost's Failure to Address Misconduct

Over a year ago, Mesa Police Chief Ken Cost was sent images of Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman feeding a baby beer on more than one occasion along with dozens of other accusations of misconduct. Chief Cost and Mesa Police Internal Affairs found no issue with Officer Freeman feeding his baby beer while smiling for photos.

The Mesa Police Chief Ken Cost was made aware of numerous complaints and substantial evidence of misconduct involving Officer Shawn Freeman over a year ago. Despite this, Chief Cost did not take any disciplinary action against Officer Freeman, which has led to the implication that such behavior is condoned within the Mesa Police Department.

Mesa Police Chief Ken Cost chose to ignore Officer Freeman's extensive history of serious misconduct, leading to the emergence of new allegations. These new allegations include Officer Freeman filing falsified police reports, committing perjury, receiving use-of-force complaints, fraud, and the fatal shooting of an unarmed man.

Chief Cost's failure to address Officer Freeman's actions has allowed for a pattern of misconduct to continue unchecked within the Mesa Police Department. Chief Cost allows his officers to act with impunity, undermining the trust and integrity of the entire justice system.

Chief Cost has repeatedly sent a clear message that misconduct and illegal behavior is acceptable among Mesa police officers, which is a dangerous precedent to set.

Justice for All: Holding Law Enforcement to the Same Standards

The Mesa Police Department routinely follows a contradictory set of rules, where Arizona laws are strictly enforced on everyone except their own officers. It is imperative that Maricopa County District Attorney Rachel Mitchell, Mesa Mayor John Giles, Mesa Police Chief Ken Cost, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, and all other relevant authorities in Arizona take action to stop supporting and enabling police misconduct and ensure that officers are held accountable for their actions. The presence of a double standard in this context is innapropriate and should be condemned. The fact that Officer Freeman can misuse his power without facing consequences highlights the pressing need for enhanced oversight and transparency within the Mesa Police Department.

Justice for Mesa: Exposing Officer Freeman's Misconduct and the Citizen's Financial Burden

The Mesa Police Department had several chances to address Officer Freeman's unlawful and unethical actions, but they opted not to do so. The conduct of Officer Shawn Freeman is currently being brought to light for the public to see who is serving in their police department and what their tax dollars are funding. We are committed to revealing the corruption within the Mesa Police Department until those responsible for these injustices are held accountable and Justice is served. Furthermore, the residents of Mesa should not be forced to bear the financial burden of settling the numerous lawsuits against Officer Freeman and other Mesa police officers for their misconduct and infringement of civil rights.



#Shawn #Freeman #ShawnTylerFreeman #MesaSwat #MesaPd #MpdJobs #CivilRightsLawsuit #CivilRightsViolations #PoliceMisconduct #AbuseOfPower #MesaPoliceDepartment #RachelMitchell #KatieHobbs #MesaArizona #CommunityRelations #PublicTrust #UseOfForce #JusticeForAll #FairPolicing #CorruptCops #ThinBlueWallOfSilence #NoMoreCoverUps #ChiefCost #CityOfMesa #PoliceIntegrity #SwiftActionNeeded #OfficerFreeman #MesaPoliceMisconduct #ShawnFreemanScandal #JusticeForVictims #PoliceCorruptionExposed #MesaSWATCoverup #AccountabilityMatters #EndPoliceBrutalityNow #ExposeTheTruth #DemandJusticeNow #ReformLawEnforcement #SeekingTruth #TransparencyNeeded #MesaPoliceScandal #ShawnFreemanInvestigation #ExposeTheTruth #HoldPoliceAccountable #AbuseOfPower #DOJ #FBI #CriminalAllegations #EndCorruption #SeekingTruth #MesaCops #MesaPolice #MesaPoliceDepartment #ChiefCost #OfficerFreeman #PoliceAccountability #JusticeAndFairness #CommunityRelations #LawEnforcementIntegrity #AccountabilityMatters #PublicTrust #SwiftAction #NotAboveTheLaw #BlueWallOfSilence #PoliceMisconduct #StopPoliceBrutality #HoldPoliceAccountable #ThinBlueLineGang Hold Police Accountable, End Corruption, Officer Freeman, Seeking the Truth, Accountability Matters, Fair Policing, Corrupt Cops, Thin Blue Wall of Silence, Public Trust, Community Relations, Mesa Police Corruption, Fire Ken Cost, Demand Justice Now, Mesa Police Scandal, Shawn Freeman Scandal, Mesa Police Coverup, Civil Rights Violations, Reform Mesa Police, Mesa Police Department Reviews, Shawn Freeman Investigation, Mesa Police are above the law, Daniel Shaver, Thin Blue Line Gang, Bad Cops in Arizona, Mesa Police Internal Affairs, Mesa Officer Involved Shootings, OIS, Where to report Police Misconduct in Arizona.